Excel for Finance Functions Template

Excel for Finance Functions Template

This Excel for finance functions template demonstrates sample calculations using the top 10 most important functions and formulas for finance professionals.


Determines the Net Present Value (NPV) of a series of cash flows at specific dates.

Formula: =XNPV(discount_rate, cash_flows, dates)


Determines the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows, given specific dates.

Formula: =XIRR(cash flows, dates)


Determines the internal rate of return when the cash from one investment is invested in a different one.

Formula: =MIRR(cash flows, cost of borrowing, reinvestment rate)

#4 PMT

Calculates the number of payments given an interest rate, a number of time periods, and the total value of the loan.

Formula: =PMT(rate, number of periods, present value)


Calculates the interest portion of a fixed debt payment.

Formula: = IPMT(rate, current period #, total # of periods, present value)


Returns the effective annual interest rate for non-annual compounding.

Formula: =EFFECT(interest rate, # of periods per year)

#7 DB

Calculates the depreciation expense in each period.

Formula: =DB(cost, salvage value, life/# of periods, current period)


Calculates the yield to maturity for a security.

Formula: =RATE(# of periods, coupon payment per period, price of bond, face value of bond, type)

#9 FV

Determines how much money you will have in the future, given a starting balance, regular payments, and a compounding interest rate.

Formula: =FV(rate, # of periods, payments, starting value, type)


Calculates Beta of a stock, given the weekly returns for the stock and the index you wish to compare it to.

Formula: =SLOPE(dependent variable, independent variable)

Credits to :  Corporate Finance Institute

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